Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Truth

We finally had our appointment and feels relieved that it was done. the diagnose is that he has Autism with Global Developmental Delay. During the test, Gareth didn't perform well. He is not cooperative and it really frustrates me.

Now we are ready for his therapy. The Dev Ped refers us to some experts and we will be meeting them next week. We are really willing to let him do all his therapies and will support all the way. The therapy is expensive but we are willing to risk everything. We are hoping that Gareth will perform well.

I will be updating more about his case here in the coming weeks but for now I will focus more on him and of course I will be deal with my depressions too.

It's depressing and frustrating in our part but we don't have a choice but to accept it and start the therapy soon.

That's all for now...