Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Just like any other kids with autism Gareth has tantrums too and sometimes very hard to deal. Gareth is at the living room watching Disney Junior and all of a sudden he shouted very loud that I can't ignore. His tantrums somehow affects his 11 months old sister, Pillow. Pillow is also crying because she saw his brother crying and this made me go crazy coz' I don't know how to manage those cryings. So I looked Gareth and listened to him. He is talking but believe me it is so hard to understand but I show to him that I understood everything.

So I found out that my sister in the other room is playing Gareth's favorite song and that made him so mad. Gareth hates watching his favorite TV shows while in the other room he's favorite song is playing. He really don't know how to manage it so he just screamed and cried!

As a mom, I don't know why I understand him. This shows our connection and it somehow made me feel better.

How I wish he can start talking so that he can express his emotions easily...

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